8bitdo Wireless receiver mod for Sega Mark III

The 8bitdo Mega Drive Retro Receiver doesn’t work with the Mark III or SG1000. It connects but the buttons don’t work properly due to the extra signals in Mega Drive pads.

I’d given up ever having wireless on Mark III, but looked further into it, and it’s because the SG1000 and Mark III are mapped to the SG1000 keyboard interface. So how to reenable this?

Long story short, essentially (and pretty obviously) the Retro Receiver is acting like a Mega Drive six button controller which features a selector pin to allow for the extra buttons. SG1000 and Mark III buttons are all active low inputs pulled high by the console, and all the controller does is ground them.

So by killing the selector pin 7, it may work…

And Robert’s your mother’s brother. Wireless official Famicom dogbone (using an 8bitdo mod kit) on the Mark III.

I feel like maybe I should re-use my white Saturn pads (with 8bitdo mod kit) for Mark III to keep it all Sega, but it feels weird with so many unused buttons. And the dogbone just feels great for Mark III. It’s actually quite a revelation to use such a solid non-floaty dpad on Sega 8-bit games.

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